Saturday, September 10, 2011

How this started

Bonnie and I started talking about adoption several years ago. We have two beautiful children at the moment; Katie who just turned 20 and Jonathon who is 16. Katie recently moved out of the home to spread her wings. God has blessed our family so much and we are now beginning to realize why. Having a large house with only three people living in it doesn't make much sense. I walk by two empty bedrooms everyday and often wondered why we should stay in this house. Now I know. Sunday, February 27 2011 was a changing moment for our family. I knew the message was on orphans and widows and Bonnie and I got up and went to the early service. Throughout Alan's message I felt God laying this on my heart; it is time for you to do something. Afterwards, Bonnie told me she felt the same thing! That was the defining moment for us and the beginning of this journey.


  1. Yay, you have a blog! I loved reading how the orphan Sunday at RMCC had an impact on you and Bonnie. That Sunday's message was a result of many people's prayers for an orphan ministry at RMCC. Knowing that at least one child will have a forever family as a result makes it all worth it. Lots more to come in this story. We are here whenever you need support.

  2. Thanks Kari!! Yes orphan Sunday was the culmination of several years of God's prompting. You are right, it is worth it if even one child is adopted!! Stephanie Norman wants us to set something up for NHFC at the church. Maybe we could somehow incorporate it into this years orphan Sunday. We will talk later!
